Annapolis Family Session | The K Family

I love walking around Annapolis, so I loved that the K family wanted an Annapolis family session so they could be by the water. This was my first time photographing triplets, and when I was reviewing the survey that I ask all of my clients to fill out, I misread part of it, and I thought that the triplets were two… I had my work cut out for me, I thought! Then a few days before the session, I re-read it and realized that they hadn’t had a photo session since the triplets were two. They were now about the same age as my oldest kiddo… what a difference in session planning in my head! Hah hah!
This Annapolis family session happened just before the pandemic, and so the spring was crazy and it didn’t get blogged. I’m already behind on sharing my summer sessions, but one of my 2020 goals is to make sure I highlight every session I did this year on here, so even if it is a few months old, it’s going up! I’m six behind from late June to now and have one gallery to edit, so I have a busy July of blogging to do!
Walking around downtown Annapolis is great for so many different types of sessions. I’ve had mommy and me sessions, senior sessions, family sessions, and even headshot/branding sessions there… I love finding new spots and making it special for my clients. I love adding a mix of family combinations as you can see from the snapshot of the gallery below: kids solo, kids together, kids with each parent, entire family, parents together. I also like to give you both horizontal and vertical images because I want you to. be able to get these photos up on your walls, and I don’t want sizing to prevent you from getting them up.
To book your session, e-mail me at or visit my contact page.

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