established 2016


Located in Calvert County, Maryland

Liam’s Birthday at the Polymath Place

This year I just couldn’t do our traditional birthday party at home. Maybe because this year isn’t a traditional year; with my husband gone, I knew I couldn’t handle a house full of four year olds running around.

I didn’t want to clean it just to re-clean it again. As most of you know, I am an English teacher for my full-time gig, so I spent May grading final papers, making up exams, wrapping up final grades, and grading exams.

I was very late to the game in organizing Liam’s birthday party; I knew it had to be June 2. My mom was flying in from St. Louis for the occasion, and with less than two weeks to organize something, I contacted The Polymath Place in Deale, Maryalnd and was pleasantly surprised they had an opening.

I showed Liam the options from their website. I knew he wanted a PJ Mask birthday, and he chose Legos. I was a bit confused on how they were going to weave PJ Mask into a Lego party, but they did it!

The best part of the party for me was that I was able to photograph it and capture it for my husband. I usually try not to take many pictures at events like this so I can be more in the moment during parties; I want to be in the moment and be there for my kids, but everything about this year is different. And the extra adult hands meant I could help run the party. I loved the extra help.

The people who work at The Polymath Place were kind, outgoing, and creative; they were there to help anyone who needed it, and lucky for me, they kept the party  moving. I was impressed with their creativity; most of the activities were age appropriate for the kids without adult help, and the kids had a blast.

I can’t get over how many activities they did: they made bags, they made masks, they showed off their masks and did a hopscotch jump, they made slingshots and shot marshmallows, they snacked, they built Lego robots (and they had Legos on hand for my youngest who was too young for the robot activity), they ate cake, and they made shrinky dinks of PJ Mask characters. And the price was good.

I’d definitely recommend The Polymath Place if  you are looking for a local birthday party venue! And rain won’t mess up your party…we had a blast and will definitely be back to visit.

Plus, I’d recommend hiring someone to take photos and document events like these so you can just enjoy it. ? If you are interested in having me document your child’s birthday, please send me message!

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