established 2016


Located in Calvert County, Maryland

Tag: calvert county child photographer

Six Month Milestone Session at Flag Ponds | Adalyn

Six Month Milestone Session at Flag Ponds | Adalyn

Flag Ponds has been on my bucket list of locations for some time, and I was so thankful that I had a Adalyn’s mom agreed to venture there for a session for her six month milestone session. This location has a lot of variety of looks, and that’s an important piece for me when choosing […]

Calvert County Front Porch Minis | The G Family

Calvert County Front Porch Minis | The G Family

So I know that while the state is opening up, not everyone feels 100% comfortable with that, and that’s why I’ll be continuing my front porch minis into the summer. Calvert County and St. Mary’s county opened for photographers sooner than some of the other municipalities, but I know that not everyone is ready to […]

Calvert County Milestones Photographer | Paisley’s 1st Birthday

Calvert County Milestones Photographer | Paisley’s 1st Birthday

Documenting milestones and seeing families at different stages of their life is easily an amazing part of my job. Hands down, true family sessions are my absolute favorite. However, I’m also a sucker for milestones and cake smashes. I was learning how to use a digital camera as my kids hit those monthly milestones, and […]

TCJ Design Candid Family Photographer | Clickin Moms Feature

TCJ Design Candid Family Photographer | Clickin Moms Feature

It is not every day I wake up to an email from Clickin Moms that an image you submitted got a pretty big recognition. But mid December, I got that just that. On a whim, I submitted an image from an extended friends that are family session to the month Clickin Moms contest. I never […]