North Beach MD 1-Year-Old Session | Nora

North Beach, Maryland is one of my favorite close spots in Northern Calvert County, and it’s perfect for sessions with little ones who are hitting milestones. North Beach is one of my favorite spots because of the variety of looks and it has plenty of natural elements for my one-year-olds no matter what their ability level is with sitting, standing, and walking.
Nora was not really walking much at her one year session, but that was OK, because I was able to have her hold onto the cement wall and the gazebo to get shots of her solo. I could get great light, and greenery, too! This spot is amazing year round, too! I’ve done sessions here in North Beach at every season!
My calendar is already pretty busy this year! I’m booked for February, and I could maybe squeeze in one more session in March or in April. I have weekday openings for late May and one morning opening. The second half of June is open, and July and August still have plenty of openings, too! (Summer months are my favorite for those sunrise sessions on the National Mall, by the way!)
To start chatting about your session, write me here or e-mail me at It’s never too early to get on my calendar for late spring and summer! I’d love document your occasions, whether it’s a milestone, a newborn, a senior, a wedding, or just a normal family session!
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