established 2016


Located in Calvert County, Maryland

Small Business Feature: Medart Galleries in Dunkirk, Maryland

So I don’t know how many of you are like me, but I take a lot of photos of my kids. When they were little, I bought the month by month stickers, and I made sure I took a photo. With my first, I was religious about it. I took them on the monthly milestone, and if I missed it, I did it within days. After she turned one, I bought one of those frames at Hobby Lobby that had space for 12 wallet-sized pictures and a 5×7. I printed my shots and put the frame up in her room.

With my second and third kids, I was much more sporadic. I bought those stickers. I even bought the frames before I needed them. I got those pictures. Some months I did it on the day of the milestone, but more often than not, my goal was just to get those photos taken before the month was up! Those frames sat there in the laundry room. My second was two and half and I had never touched his pics.

So when my third and last turned 1, I promised to get both finished before he turned 13 months old. I dug out those frames that were nestled in the corner of my laundry room (don’t ask why they were there…I think at one point I toyed with putting them up in that room and they were forgotten there). When I pulled them out, I noticed one of my frames had shattered glass.

I knew there was a custom framing store and art gallery behind Wal-Mart, so I called to see if they did glass replacement. I was a bit embarrassed that I was wanting such a cheap frame to have glass replaced, but I wanted this project finished and I wanted  to do it quickly. I didn’t have time to go to a handful of stores and find a similar frame.

Medart Galleries seriously saved my day. I was in and out in less than 20 minutes. They didn’t show any concern when I walked in with a five and half year old, almost three year old, and one year old, AND they gave my kids treats for being good. (Crayons with a magnetic frame to put their photos or art in…so cool!)

I am still figuring out where to hang the frames, and I think they’ll be the center of a gallery wall I want to created in my basement. So often we take these digital images, share them on social media, but we never put them in albums or display them. We need to show them off. We need to be able to see those memories and not forget about them. It’s so fun to see how my three kiddos looked at different ages and how different and alike they look!

So, the mantra of my post, though, is twofold. Print your images and  support your small businesses, and if you are in the market for unique art gift ideas or need a custom frame in Calvert County, check Medart Galleries out. I know they’ll have my business from now on!

The broken glass is no longer broken! Project done!





One Comment

  • Oh my goodness…you are so very kind Teresa…and your children were (are) a delight! I am so glad we could help you…and you let us know if you need anything else! Thank you again!!!! The Medart Galleries Family (ps, stop by anytime to say hi!! – coffee or tea next time!)


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