established 2016


Located in Calvert County, Maryland

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How to have an amazing family session with young children

Do you see photos taken of friends’ families and wonder how they got amazing shots? Despite what many think, the key of an amazing family session is NOT just a good photographer. Parents play a HUGE role in making a family session with young children amazing.

I’ll be honest. I never realized this until I had kids myself. Any good shots we got as a family were not because of anything I did. They are usually the result of the hard work my husband puts in making sure we are all laughing and having fun.

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The Apple TV: A Way to Relive Your Memories

My photographer always gave us anywhere from 50-100 images per one hour session. If you come by my house, you’ll see her art in just about every room of the house. While I love that we have her prints everywhere, my favorite way to showcase her photographs (and really all of the photographs I love that have ever taken, too) is on the Apple TV.

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Capturing the details

This is my favorite. Why you may ask? This family didn’t even make a big deal about wearing the same type of shoe. And the one year old could walk, but most of the time in the portrait shots he was being held. Yet I was still able to sneak in something that was obviously important to them. I love capturing the details. It’s the journalist in me. I love looking for how a family connects, how they react to each other, how they love each other, finding what they love.

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